Our clients


Firm capacity power stations

  • Development of mathematical models of excitation systems for synchronous generators

    Development and verification of mathematical models of synchronous generators, their excitation systems, automatic exciters, automatic rotary speed regulators for power plants of the Ukrainian Power System.

  • Calculation of the stability of the parallel operation of Zaporizhzhya NPP generators of the Ukrainian Power System after the replacement of the excitation system:
    1. Power unit No1, 2 (2014)
    2. Power unit No.4 (2018)
    3. Power unit No.3 (2019)
    4. Power unit No.5 (2019)
    Investigation of the static and dynamic stability of the operating modes of the Ukrainian Power System after
    the replacement of the excitation system of unit No.1, 2, 4, 3, 5 of the Zaporizhzhya NPP.

    Determining the influence of the new excitation system on low-frequency oscillations in the Ukrainian Power System.

    Optimal setting of automatic excitation control REM-700 (RusELPROM-ELEKTROMASH).

    Estimated check of excitation forcing, underexcitation limiter, and overexcitation limiter.



  • Investigation of the stability of the parallel operation of Rivne NPP generators of the Ukrainian Power System after the replacement of the excitation system :
    1. TG-4 power unit No.2 (2014)
    2. TG-5 power unit No.3 (2018)
    3. TG-6 power unit No.4 (2018)
    4. TG-1 power unit No.1 (2020)
    5. TG-3 power unit No.2 (2020)

    Investigation of the static and dynamic stability of operating modes of the Ukrainian Power System after replacement of the excitation system of generators.

    Determining the influence of the new excitation system on low-frequency oscillations in the Ukrainian Power System.

    Optimal setting of automatic excitation control SEMI EXCITER (AEG) for TG-4, and for others—ARV REM-700 (Ruse PROM-ELEKTROMASH).

    Estimated check of excitation forcing, underexcitation limiter, and overexcitation limiter.

  • Investigation of the stability of the parallel operation of South Ukraine NPP generators of the Ukrainian Power System after the replacement of the excitation system of TG-3 power unit No.3

    Investigation of the static and dynamic stability of the operating modes of the Ukrainian Power System after the replacement of the excitation system of unit No.3 (1000 MW) of the South Ukraine NPP.

    Determining the influence of the new excitation system on low-frequency oscillations in the Ukrainian Power System.

    Optimal setting of the automatic excitation control REM-700 (RusELPROM-ELEKTROMASH).

    Estimated check of excitation forcing, underexcitation limiter, and overexcitation limiter.


  • Investigation of the stability of the parallel operation of Khmelnitskyi NPP generators of the Ukrainian Power System after the replacement of the excitation system:
    1. TG-1 power unit No.1 (2019)
    2. TG-2 power unit No.2 (2021)

    Investigation of the static and dynamic stability of the operating modes of the Ukrainian Power System after the replacement of the excitation system of power units No.1, 2 of Khmelnitskyi NPP.

    Determining the influence of the new excitation system on low-frequency oscillations in the Ukrainian Power System.

    Optimal setting of automatic excitation control REM-700 (RusELPROM-ELEKTROMASH).

    Estimated check of excitation forcing, underexcitation limiter, and overexcitation limiter.

  • Calculation and study of the static and dynamic stability of operating modes of DTEK Zaporizka TPP after the replacement of the excitation system :
    1. Power unit No.1 (2013)
    2. Power unit No.3 (2014)

    Investigation of the static and dynamic stability of the operating modes of the Ukrainian Power System after the replacement of the excitation system of the generators No.1, 3.

    Determining the influence of the new excitation system on low-frequency oscillations in the Ukrainian Power System.

    Optimal setting of the automatic excitation control UNITROL 6800 (ABB).

    Estimated check of excitation forcing, underexcitation limiter, and overexcitation limiter.

    Calculation of the asynchronous running of the station (generator) relative to the grid.

    Determining the need to install new devices for automatic elimination of asynchronous modes (PSP) and clarifying the need for the existing PSP devices.

  • Calculation and study of the static and dynamic stability of operating modes of the unit No.1 of DTEK Kryvorizka TPP

    Investigation of the static and dynamic stability of the operating modes of the Ukrainian Power System after the replacement of the excitation system of generator No.1 (300 MW).

    Determining the influence of the new excitation system on low-frequency oscillations in the Ukrainian Power System.

    Optimal setting of the automatic excitation control UNITROL 6800 (ABB).

    Estimated check of excitation forcing, underexcitation limiter, and overexcitation limiter.

    Calculation of the asynchronous running of the station (generator) relative to the grid. Determining the need to install new devices for automatic elimination of asynchronous modes (PSP) and clarifying the need for the existing PSP devices.


  • Calculation of the modes and stability of parallel operation of the generator unit No.9 of DTEK Kurakhovska TPP of the Ukrainian Power System

    Investigation of the static and dynamic stability of the operating modes of the Ukrainian Power System after the replacement of the excitation system of the generator No.9 (300 MW).

    Determining the influence of the new excitation system on low-frequency oscillations in the Ukrainian Power System.

    Optimal setting of the automatic excitation control UNITROL 6800 (ABB).

    Estimated check of excitation forcing, underexcitation limiter, and overexcitation limiter.

    Calculation of the asynchronous running of the station (generator) relative to the grid. Determining the need to install new devices for automatic elimination of asynchronous modes (PSP) and clarifying the need for the existing PSP devices.

  • Execution of design works on reconstruction of the unit No.1 TPP-5 of Kyiv TPP of PJSC Kyivenergo with the capacity of 125 MW (carrying out calculation of the modes and stability of parallel operation of the generators of TPP-5 of the Ukrainian Power System)

    Investigation of the static and dynamic stability of the operating modes of the Ukrainian Power System after the replacement of the excitation system of generator No.1 (100 MW).

    Determining the influence of the new excitation system on low-frequency oscillations in the Ukrainian Power System.

    Optimal setting of the automatic excitation control ARV-4MT type.

    Calculation of the asynchronous running of the station (generator) relative to the grid.

    Determining the need to install new devices for automatic elimination of asynchronous modes (PSP) and clarifying the need for the existing PSP devices.

    Estimated check of excitation forcing, underexcitation limiter, and overexcitation limiter.

  • Calculation of the modes and stability of parallel operation of the DTEK Dobrotvirska TPP generators of the Ukrainian Power System after replacement of the TG-8 excitation system

    Investigation of the static and dynamic stability of the operating modes of the Ukrainian Power System after the replacement of the excitation system of generator No.1 (165 MW).

    Determining the influence of the new excitation system on low-frequency oscillations in Ukrainian Power System.

    Optimal setting of the automatic excitation control ARV-3MT type.

    Calculation of the asynchronous running of the station (generator) relative to the grid.

    Determining the need to install new devices for automatic elimination of asynchronous modes (PSP) and clarifying the need for the existing PSP devices. Estimated check of excitation forcing, underexcitation limiter, and overexcitation limiter.


  • Reconstruction of the Zaporizhzhia-Kakhovskaya SWYD-750 kV for connection of the Zaporizhzhia-Kakhovska HV line Conversion of the static and dynamic stability, adjustment of ECA and the algorithms with development of the table of output actions of automatic unloading of the station.
    Analysis of the static and dynamic stability of Zaporizhzhya NPP and the entire Ukrainian Power System after the commissioning of the new 750 kV power line Zaporizhzhya NPP-Kakhovska.

    Investigation of conditions that cause asynchronous modes on the transmission line of 750 kV of the power output section of Zaporizhzhya NPP.

    Development of the new table of automatic unloading of the Zaporizhzhya NPP station.

  • Calculation of the modes and stability of parallel operation of the generator unit No.10 of DTEK Burshtynska TPP of the Ukrainian Power System

    Investigation of the static and dynamic stability of the operating modes of the Ukrainian Power System after the replacement of the excitation system of generator No.10 (200 MW).

    Determining the influence of the new excitation system on low-frequency oscillations in the Ukrainian Power System.

    Optimal setting of the automatic excitation control UNITROL 6800 (ABB) type.

    Calculation of the asynchronous running of the station (generator) relative to the grid. Estimated check of excitation forcing, underexcitation limiter, and overexcitation limiter.

Renewable energy sources

  • Connection of Boryslav PV system with the capacity of 8 MW to the electric grid

    Calculation of the established normal, repair, and post-accident modes of the power networks of PJSC Lvivoblenergo.

    Investigation of the sustainability of general-purpose networks and the impact of the 8 MW Boryslav PV system on other power plants in the connection area.

  • Study of the regimes and stability of the Ukrainian Power System after the commissioning of the Sokal wind farm with the capacity of 43.2 MW

    Calculation of the established normal, repair, and post-accident modes of the power networks of PJSC Lvivoblenergo.

    Investigation of the sustainability of general-purpose networks and the impact of the 43.2 MW Sokalska WPP on other power plants in the connection area.

  • Study of the modes and stability of the Ukrainian Power System after commissioning of Orivska WPP with the capacity of 54.6 MW

    Calculation of the established normal, repair, and post-accident modes of the power networks of PJSC Lvivoblenergo.

    Investigation of the sustainability of general-purpose networks and the impact of 54.6 MW Orivska WPP on other power plants in the connection area.

  • Stability study of the Ukrainian Power System after the connection of SOLAR FARM-1 with the capacity of 200 MW (Nikopol SPP)
    Investigation of the stability of the Ukrainian Power System and the impact of 200 MW Nikopol SPP on power plants in the connection area (Zaporizhzhya NPP, Zaporizhzhya TPP, Kryvorizka TPP).


  • Stability study of the Ukrainian Power System after the connection of SOLAR FARM-3 with the capacity of 240 MW

    Investigation of the stability of the Ukrainian Power System and the impact of 240 MW SOLAR FARM-3 on power plants in the connection area (Zaporizhzhya NPP, Zaporizhzhya TPP, Kryvorizka TPP).

  • Stability study of the Ukrainian Power System after the connection of SOLAR FARM-6 with the capacity of 60 MW

    Investigation of the influence of SOLAR FARM-6 on the aperiodic and oscillating static stability of the Ukrainian Power System.

    Research of the influence of PV on the dynamic stability of Zaporizhzhya NPP and South Ukrainian NPP power units.

    The calculated verification of the PV compliance with the passage of short-term voltage drops LVRT in the general-purpose networkю

  • Study of the operational modes of the Pozdymyr wind power plant with a capacity of 15 MW as part of the the Ukrainian Power System

    Calculations of the established normal, repair, and post-emergency modes of the electrical networks of PJSC "Lvivoblenergo".

    Study of the stability of general-purpose networks and the impact of the connection of Pozdymyrska wind farm with a capacity of 15 MW on the stability of power plants of guaranteed capacity in the connection area.

  • Study of the regimes and stability of the Ukrainian Power System after the commissioning of the Pivdenno-Ukrayinska WPP with the capacity of 25 MW

    Investigation of the influence of wind farms on the aperiodic and oscillating static stability of the Ukrainian Power System.

    Study of the impact of wind farms on the dynamic stability of Zaporizhzhya NPP, South-Ukrainian NPP, Zaporizhya, and Kryvyi Rih TPPs.

    The calculated verification of the WPP compliance with the passage of short-term voltage drops LVRT in the general-purpose network was carried out.

    The calculated verification of the compliance of the wind farm with the passage of the modes of short-term voltage drops LVRT in the general-purpose network.

  • Study of the regimes and stability of the Ukrainian Power System after the commissioning of the Polissya Wind Park with the capacity of 40 MW

    Study of the impact of wind farms on the aperiodic and oscillating static stability of the Ukrainian Power System.

    Study of the impact of wind farms on the dynamic stability of Kyiv CHP-5, Kyiv CHP-6, Trypillya TPP, and KhNPP.

    The calculated verification of the compliance of the wind farm with the passage of the modes of short-term voltage drops LVRT in the general-purpose network

  • Study of the modes and stability of the Ukrainian Power System after the commissioning of the Bilmak wind farm with the capacity of 63 MW

    Investigation of the influence of wind farms on the aperiodic and oscillating static stability of the Ukrainian Power System.

    Investigation of the influence of wind farms on the dynamic stability of Zaporizhzhya NPP power units.

    The calculated verification of the compliance of the wind farm with the passage of the modes of short-term voltage drops LVRT in the general-purpose network.

  • Study of the regimes and stability of the Ukrainian Power System after the commissioning of a wind farm with the capacity of 300 MW near Leliv village, Ivankiv district of Kyiv region
    Investigation of the influence of wind farms on the aperiodic and oscillating static stability of the Ukrainian Power System.

    Investigation of the impact of wind farms on the dynamic stability of Kyiv TPP-5, Kyiv TPP-6, Trypillya TPP, KhNPP, RNPP, and SUNPP.

    The calculated verification of the compliance of the wind farm with the passage of the modes of short-term voltage drops LVRT in the general-purpose network.

  • Study of the regimes and stability of the Ukrainian Power System after the commissioning of the solar farm Yellow Waters with a capacity of 95 MW

    Investigation of the influence of solar farms on the aperiodic and oscillating static stability of the Ukrainian Power System.

    Research of the influence of solar farm on the dynamic stability of the Zaporizhzhya NPP and South Ukrainian NPP power units.

    The calculated verification of the compliance of the solar farm with the passage of the modes of short-term voltage drops LVRT in the general-purpose network.

  • Study of the modes and stability of the Ukrainian Power System after increasing the capacity of Kramatorsk wind farm from 66 MW to 150 MW

    Investigation of the influence of wind farms on the aperiodic and oscillating static stability of the Ukrainian Power System.

    Investigation of the impact of wind farms on the dynamic stability of Zmiivska TPP, Slovyanska TPP and Uglehirska TPP.

    The calculated verification of the compliance of the wind farm with the passage of the modes of short-term voltage drops LVRT in the general-purpose network.

  • Study of the stability of the LLC Green Solar solar farm with a capacity of 12 MW for the project work "New construction of a solar power plant on the territory of Tsarychansk village council, Tsarychansk district, Dnipropetrovsk region"

    Investigation of the influence of SES on the dynamic stability of the power units of Dniprovska TPP and Prydniprovska TPP.

    The calculated verification of the compliance of the solar farm with the passage of the modes of short-term voltage drops LVRT in the general-purpose network.

  • Research of the modes and stability of the Ukrainian Power System after commissioning of SES Progressivka with measures of the Trikhaty-Adzhalyk 330 kV transmission line for the connection of a 10/110 kV substation

    Calculation and analysis of the steady-state 110-750 kV network modes at the Ukrainian Power System.

    Assessment of the need to install the means of reactive power compensation.

    Investigation of the static stability of the power supply section of the new SES Progressivka.

    Analysis of the impact of SES on the dynamic stability of the power units of the South Ukrainian NPP and Zaporizhzhya NPP.

    Estimation of conditions of APV use (admissibility of asynchronous APV, SHAPV under resynchronization conditions) on SES connection lines to the power system.

    Calculations of asynchronous modes in the 330-750 kV network.

  • Research of the modes and stability of a wind power plant of 500 MW in the territory of the Berezansky region, the Nikolaev area with measures of the 330 kV transmission line for connection of the 330 kV Tiligul substation

    Analysis of the impact of wind farms on the dynamic stability of the power units of the South Ukrainian NPP and Zaporizhzhya NPP.

    Estimation of conditions of APV use (admissibility of asynchronous APV, SHAPV under resynchronization conditions) on the lines of wind farms connection to the power system.

    Calculations of asynchronous modes in the 330-750 kV network.

  • Scheme of connection to the Western EU electric networks of the alternative energy facilities (wind power plants) with the total capacity of 150 MW, located on the territory of Novovolynsk City Council of Volyn region (in terms of adjusting the calculations of dynamic stability)

    Analysis of the impact of wind farms on the dynamic stability of the Rivne NPP power units.