Increasing the capacity of PJSC Ivano-Frankivskcement

The situation

  • PJSC Ivano-Frankivskcement decided to increase the capacity of electrical installations. This required the determination of the optimal scheme of external power supply.
  • The DAKAR team was able to become a reliable partner to address this issue. It was planned to increase the capacity by 25 MW, which was carried out in stages: the first stage - by 18 MW (year 2017), the second stage - by 7 MW ( year 2018). The value of the maximum design load, taking into account the existing allowable capacity, was 56.5 MW.

To solve this problem, the DAKAR team performed the following actions:

1. Analyzed the regimes of distribution and main electric network conditions of Ivano-Frankivsk and Opornyansk power units to identify the bottlenecks.

2. Developed and analyzed variants of the external supply scheme of PJSC Ivano-Frankivskcement by defining the point of power supply.

3. Carried out the calculation and analysis of flow distribution and voltage levels. The analysis was held in the distribution and main electrical networks for normal, post-emergency, repair and emergency modes of operation of the electrical network.

4. Calculated short-circuit currents in the electrical network of the adjacent area due to changes in the technical parameters of equipment of substations supplying PJSC Ivano-Frankivskcement.

5. Identified the principles of relay protection organization and automation, as well as suggestions for their use. Our team determined the feasibility of using automation during emergencies to prevent system accidents.

The result

In 2 months, the DAKAR team has developed the optimal variant of the PJSC Ivano-Frankivskcement external supply scheme. Also, our team analyzed the most severe repair and emergency modes of the electrical network operation of the Distribution System Operator and the Transmission System Operator and proposed the principles of emergency control system organization for Ivano-Frankivsk and Opornyansk power units.

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